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HomeAnime NewsAnimeWhere to Find Arma and Unlock New Forms A Trinity Trigger Guide

Where to Find Arma and Unlock New Forms A Trinity Trigger Guide

Fans of JRPGs from the 1990s will have been keenly following Trinity Trigger, especially those that were launched for the SNES. With developers of some of the greatest JRPGs of the last 30 years, including Secret of Mana, Octopath Traveler, and Xenoblade Chronicles, the game has a real dream crew. Trinity Trigger had a high bar to meet, but thankfully it exceeded it in the majority of instances.

The gods decided to pick a champion and have them battle in place of them in order to avoid destroying everything in their conflict, but not before scattering many of their weapons, known as Arma, around the surface. Monsters and scavengers alike now live among giant spears, axes, and swords, and the gods are waiting to see if the Warrior of Chaos or Order will win out.

Introducing Trinity Trigger


Although the game’s premise is simply laid out, it does a fantastic job of laying the groundwork for the adventure that follows. The Warrior of Chaos, Cyan, our hero, isn’t shown in this context as a malevolent force. Rather, disorder is viewed as liberation and stifling as control. In an effort to prolong the gods’ conflict as long as possible, forces work together to prevent Cyan from realizing his destiny. Their objective is to assassinate a champion before to the commencement of their pivotal conflict.

Weapon-based Adventure

Elise and Zantis join Cyan; both are drawn to aiding him in his quest by the might of one of the world’s gods. Triggers are odd beings that may change into weapons in battle, and they are tied to the three heroes. The core mission of the game revolves upon the Triggers’ ability to unlock new forms through exploration of the gods’ weapons. Get new weaponry by visiting the new Arma and attempting to prevent Cyan from dying. Rinse and repeat until every character has access to all eight weapons.

The cord that leads you from dungeon to dungeon tugs a touch too firmly, and at times the plot seems a little too simple. Even while the world is vibrant and colorful, it never seems wide enough to truly get lost in. Although we are informed that Cyan is in grave danger, we never feel as though there is enough risk for us to be afraid. There isn’t much of a motivation to finish the side missions because they are typically easy and superficial, with little rewards. They feel like they could have included more substance, but none of it is terrible. The game’s exploration of virtue and evil has a hint of subtlety, but it rarely delves much below the surface.

Combat and Design Excellence


Trinity Trigger excels in both combat and design. There are several parallels between this game and Secret of Mana and Secret of Evermore, including the ability to switch between controlling any one of the three characters at any time and the ability to select weapons or other goods from ring menus. Even better, you may play some classic local cooperative games, which we highly recommend as the AI-controlled characters can make quite confusing decisions. They are adept at dodging the enemy’s clearly planned strikes, but they have a habit of stepping straight into spike traps without thinking twice. AI-controlled characters are likewise far less strong because they never use their potent Weapon Auras or Trigger Strikes.

Multiplayer Marvels

It takes about two hours to activate multiplayer after you’ve added all three members to your party. You can turn it on and off from the game’s main menu, but it’s only available locally. Although there are a few unexpected quirks, such as the main player’s exclusive ability to open chests and speak with NPCs, Trinity Trigger is now a more enjoyable game to go through overall.

It would have been simple for the group to make Trinity Trigger’s appeal entirely dependent on nostalgia. Although the fighting feels familiar, it doesn’t end up being a mere recap of previous encounters. Though several of the tracks evoke strong memories of the Mana series, the music is clearly recognizable as being by Hiroki Kikuta without being stale or out of date. Even though this game makes a lot of effort to convey that it is heavily dependent on nostalgia, it never goes too far. There is enough here to make this a fantastic JRPG on its own.

Familiarity and Innovation


Players engage opponents in real-time combat by chaining together assaults as long as their action gauge is filled. You can choose the weapons that work best for you based on which ones drain more quickly or deal more damage than others. The characters’ only source of power is these weapons, because there is no magic system in the game. Trinity Trigger offers minimal but sufficient customization options, allowing you to select which stats each weapon’s equipment will boost and what combination of movements each weapon employs.

Boss bouts, which introduce an armor gauge that must be cleared before their hit points may be directly assaulted, are strewn throughout the regular enemy roster. Even when you completely take advantage of their flaws, the majority of them can still feel boring. None of them feel particularly difficult; instead, they give you plenty of notice before launching a significant attack, allowing you to roll aside. The fact that we only died once while playing the game can make it seem a little too simple for some people.


Luckily, this game doesn’t involve the famous grinding that many JRPGs from the 1990s did. You can only concentrate on the weapons and skills that your character has equipped because every weapon in their arsenal contributes to a point pool that they can use to level up. The game’s shorter runtime is made possible by this more effective mechanism. The main story of Trinity Trigger took us about 25 hours to finish, but you may extend that time by doing the side missions or perfecting every skill.

Trinity Trigger’s Aesthetic Journey


The game’s cutscenes, which play at strategic points, are stunning to see and have an anime aesthetic reminiscent of hand-painted illustrations from picture books. This kind of character portraiture makes up for the animation’s overall simplicity when it appears throughout most discussions. Trinity Trigger doesn’t aim to be particularly innovative visually, but you won’t mind because it does what it does so effectively. During our time with the game, we experienced a few frame rate problems twice, both in handheld mode.

Excellence in the JRPG Genre

Trinity Trigger doesn’t make the error of depending too much on the nostalgia of ’90s JRPG fans, even though it is trying to capitalize on it. The personalities are entertaining. The design and artwork are exquisite. The fighting seems to be recognizable while being modified. Trinity Trigger is an excellent homage to the era of JRPGs, despite many cliched dungeon designs and a predictable story.


JRPG fans may relax, as Trinity Trigger lives up to their high standards; it’s a trip down memory lane that’s well worth experiencing. Even though it’s not flawless, it’s a great candidate for one of the greatest JRPGs of 2023 thus far because of its lovely graphics, soundtrack, and combat system, which will feel both new and comfortable. Although the plot isn’t really interesting and is a little too simple, fans of the Mana series will find it to be captivating nonetheless. Hopefully, Trinity Trigger won’t be eclipsed before it has a chance to shine because of its close proximity to the release of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

For More Information Please Visit These Websites thisvid and gelbooru



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